Thursday, October 26, 2006


This week has been CRAZY! Between Jason's schedule and my own, we've probably seen each other a total of a couple hours this past week (not including the fact that we sleep in the same bed). Tonight - finally - I was so looking forward to being able to sit down and watch Grey's Anatomy on live TV (i.e. not an episode I had taped), and wouldn't you know that it's a rerun?!

Tomorrow I have a "walk through inspection" for our apartment to see if we get all our security deposit back. I spent enough time cleaning that darn place, we better get it all back! Wow, I sound so cynical. Really, it's been a trying week on all fronts. I've cursed in my head this past week more than I have the entire past year.

I just read this article by Nichole Nordeman (hopefully the link below works). I love her writing style, in both music and prose. It's about chaos in our lives and how it is up to us to create the environment we long for.


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