2 years
I went to my dad's grave with my family today, marking 2 years since he died. It's weird how sad it can be to really think about someone you loved so much and who is gone, because I live my life now without him, and it's just become normal not to have him here. And although he's always in the back of my mind, I usually don't have a clear image of him or dwell on his memory too much. But then there are times like this, when I give a concentrated effort to my dad, and it brings me to tears. I was so looking forward to seeing him interact with his grandkids. I'm just glad that time really does take away some of the sadness. I remember thinking my sadness would never end and would only increase with each passing day, but fortunately it has greatly subsided over the years.
Wow... It doesn't seem like it all happened two years ago - it feels like it wasn't that long ago. But I'm glad to hear it's become a healthy process for you. And I'm glad you were able to spend some time at his grave the other day...
I miss you lots, and hope you're doing well.
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