Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Distribution of riches

I heard on the Fish this morning that in the United States there are now more "heavy" people than there are "hungry" people. Isn't it sad to think that the amount of extra food we have as a nation, the amount by which we overeat, is more than enough to feed those who don't know whether or not there will be food on the table tonight? Just think, if we all could donate our leftovers or "seconds" to the needy, the whole country could be fed! Now I know it's not plausible to ship a plate of macaroni and cheese to someone, but the concept shows how fallen we are if God has given us enough resources to feed an entire nation and we simply haven't figure out how to appropriately distribute those resources. Of course, I am just as guilty as the next person of taking what I have for granted and not going out of my way to help those who need it.


At 8/21/2006 7:35 PM, Blogger Tory Jane said...

Read "The Irresistible Influence" by Shane Claiborne - talks a lot about this topic... It's a great book.


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