Friday, January 19, 2007

"Make It Look Pretty"

I'm starting to learn what I do and do not like in a job, and one of the things that makes me cringe most is when someone at work gives me a document and says "Make this look pretty." I'd much rather be the person to calculate the figures, do the research, deduce the outcome ... than to be the person to make the graphs and spreadsheets presentable. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE formatting Excel spreadsheets (using formulas and subtotals, merging cells, adding headers and footers), working with tables and other fun stuff in Word, and the like. But to make it "pretty," especially in PowerPoint, ... just not my thing. Besides, my insecurities force me to provide the requestor with at least a couple of versions of the document because I don't trust my judgment on what "pretty" means in the business world. Luckily, this type of request is just a minimal part of my job!


At 1/19/2007 11:42 PM, Blogger Holly o:) said...

I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and...nevermind!


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