Sunday, April 08, 2007


Ok, I'm all about doing my civic duty and I understand it is a privilege in this country to participate in democratic institutions such as this. But c'mon already. I've been summoned for the THIRD time and I just turned 27! What are the chances? I was summoned when I was 20, then again when I was 25 (this time in California, where we lived for just one year - one year, and I somehow get picked), and now again a mere two years later. It's just a hassle to deal with getting off work, going downtown amidst all this construction, finding (and paying for) parking or else figuring out the whole bus system, and not knowing how long a given trial will take assuming I'm selected. I actually don't mind being a juror, but I think it's time to give some other people a chance to be good citizens ...


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