Nice People
People in this city are so nice! J's intern Rocky just gave me directions to LAX (We're picking my sister up there when she flies in this Friday) and he said, "It's a lot more confusing when you're actually in L.A. traffic, though. If you get confused, just call me. Seriously, just call." He honestly wouldn't mind if we called him at any hour to help us find our way around L.A.! And then he offered up directions for on the way home or wherever we were going next (which happens to be Burbank - we're hoping to sit in on the taping of a "Joey" episode, YAY!).
Ok, so maybe that's not off-the-wall "nice." But it's just one example of how friendly and helpful Santa Marians have proven to be. Of course, half of them don't speak English (and that is a true, statistical figure), so maybe I don't have a random sampling of Santa Marians on which to base my findings ... but the ones we've quickly befriended sure are swell :)
Anyway, I'll detail my sister's visit in a future visit, and update y'all on my latest interviewing escapades ...
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