Friday, January 28, 2005

Busy busy

To my faithful few readers - sorry I haven't posted lately. It's been a crazy couple of weeks with work, church stuff and Whose Line reruns (hehe) ... But seriously, I've been pretty drained lately and just haven't had the energy or motivation to write, especially since I don't have much news. I'm disliking my job enough to be job searching again already, but this time with the cushion of having a decent income in the meantime. I finally got my first paycheck, and I have to admit it does feel nice to earn a living again! But I'm sure I can find something relatively close in pay that I like at least a little bit more. It'll be a no-pressure, no-hurry job search ... which is the best kind :)

I've already had a mild heart to heart with my supervisor, as she pulled me into her office to see how things were going. I told her I couldn't see myself being a receptionist for very long and she said she'd take that as a "heads up" that I might not stay super long there and that she'd also keep her eyes out for promotion/transfer opportunities for me. She was very understanding about it, saying she would hate for me to feel stuck in a job I really didn't like, but I hope my honesty doesn't somehow end up biting me in the butt. I don't think it will - she seemed to really respect me for my honesty and I don't feel like I have that much to lose anyway. We'll see ...

Anyway, the ultimate complainer will sign off for now. Other than my job (and even in spite of my job), things are really going well here. I'll try to be more consistent with my posts in the future. Hopefully I'll have some downtime this weekend to catch up on things around the house and to catch up on some writing.


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