Saturday, February 11, 2006

The B-I-B-L-E

I've been trading off reading books in the Old Testament and New Testament. The latest series I've read has been quite an interesting combination, unintentional though it was. I'd just finished Leviticus in the OT and decided to read Hebrews in the NT next. Reading those 2 particular books in that order showed such a drastic difference between how sin and forgiveness is/was handled before and after Christ. It made me wonder why so many people - so many Christians - still think they need to confess their sins through a priest. And why so many people still think they need to do good deeds to get into heaven when the book of Hebrews (among several other NT books) makes it quite clear that a belief in Jesus as Savior and a desire to live your life in His footsteps as a result of that belief is what brings you to God, to heaven, to salvation.

The author of Hebrews makes it so clear that the old system of sacrifice, priests presenting people's requests before God, etc. is no longer needed now that Christ has sacrificed himself once and for all. But I have a feeling it's the "following in Christ's footsteps" (i.e. turning your life around) part of the new system that makes a lot of people prefer the old way - so they think they can do essentially whatever they want and just have a priest forgive them of their sins once a week, say a few empty words to show that they are "religious" and then go about their business. Too bad so many people believe just what they want to believe, instead of picking up a Book to find out the truth for themselves.


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