You know those people who are always smiling whenever you see them, and they radiate joy and peace just by their happy demeanor? Or you know those people who laugh so easily at even the dumbest joke or comment you say without it sounding fake or forced? I wish I was like that. For some reason I'm unable to effectively "fake" laugh. You may ask why on earth you would ever want to "fake" laugh anyway ... well, there are plenty of times when someone says something funny, just not funny enough that I laugh out loud ... and then there's an awkward silence after their joke and I feel bad. But it just sounds so fake when I have to force out a laugh. Sometimes I think even my
real laugh sounds fake. But it's so fun hanging out with people who laugh easily and honestly and heartily -- and not at other people's expense, but at good old-fashioned, innocent humor. Somehow, their joy is contagious and it leaves you feeling refreshed and just ... satisfied. Here's to all those people out there who have this amazing gift. Cheers!
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