Saturday, March 25, 2006

TV and Me

The way I view my favorite TV shows (Prison Break, 24) can be loosely compared to how I used to feel about a brand new relationship or crush. I look forward to seeing them every week, and it often is the highlight of my day to see them - sometimes I'm downright giddy! Throughout the week, I often think about what the next episode might be like and relive in my head the highlights of the previous week's events. I talk to other people about my shows like they're an important part of my life. I'm on the edge of my seat as I watch, soaking in the details of each scene. And if there is a long lull between episodes, I am sad at first but eventually move on to another show to satisfy my longings and desires.

Ok, ok ... I stretched the analogy a bit ... but TV is addicting, plain and simple!


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