Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Work ... What else? :)

I'm in a vicious cycle. I work overtime at work to catch up and get ahead (today I was the last person to leave the office, and I didn't even finish what I'd set out to do today ... what's up with that?) Anyway, it seems like because people notice that I get things done, they tend to assign more and more work to me. And being the people pleaser that I am (some may disagree with that ...), I do everything I can to make sure it gets done, gets done right, and gets done fast. Which perpetuates more work.

So what's a girl to do?

Ah well, as much as it may sound like I'm complaining, I love the non-stop pace, the feeling of responsibility and ownership, the potential and opportunity ... I just hope A) I can take a step back once we have kids, B) I'm not to blame when things go wrong that are out of my control, and C) The pace doesn't continue to increase this steadily. It can stop growing anytime now. Really!


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