Sunday, January 30, 2005


Can you believe it? I've posted 3 days in a row! Nothing of significance, but oh well ... "The Day After Tomorrow" was actually much better than I thought it would be, although I couldn't help but continually ask myself, "What exactly is the guy going to do when he reaches his son anyway?" It's not like he had special abilities to melt the snow or fly them out of there. That part was kind of corny, but it was a decent movie overall.

Sad - I haven't been writing very much lately (outside of what you see here). What a blessing those 3-4 months off were when we first moved! I wish I would have taken greater advantage of them, but as it is, I wrote a ton more last fall than I ever have while I was a working woman. My energy and motivation have been lacking lately, but hopefully I'll get a routine down soon so I can fit in the things I really want to do.


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