Thursday, February 03, 2005

Caterpillars and First Impressions

I saw a tiny fuzzy caterpillar crawling on the ground today. I think it's the first caterpillar I've seen since I was a kid, and it made me smile. Plus, it's winter! Now I know I've never seen a caterpillar in February.

Ok, I have no transition into this, so I'll just start a new thought randomly. I'm really not good with first impressions. Not that I don't give a good first impression, but I'm not a good judge of character after meeting someone for the first time. The people at work who I initially thought were annoying or snobby, etc. have actually become the people I enjoy talking to most, while one girl in particular who I initially thought was super nice has grown to grate on my nerves like no other. I just find it interesting how someone can have consistent behavior or personality traits, yet the way I view that behavior or personality over time changes or rubs me in a different way. Maybe I'm just overthinking this, and maybe I shouldn't be making character judgments period, but it was on my mind so I thought I'd blog it out.

Oh, I was basically offered a promotion today, but it was for a job that I predicted would make me miserable (yes, even more than now ;)) - $2/hr richer, yes, but a richer woman with a huge headache. I would have been fielding the public's questions and complaints about building permits for 40 hours a week and technically I'm supposed to have 2 years of experience with construction plans, architectural blueprints, etc. for this position (although they said not to worry about that requirement). This position doesn't get a break from dealing with people, people, people, and to make a long story short, I ended up saying no, kindly explaining my reasoning so they don't pass me up for desirable job openings in the future. I know some of you reading this will think I'm crazy for passing it up, but I just applied for 2 other positions (one within the county that starts even higher than the building permit tech) that I really hope I get and I think would be a much better match for my personality. We'll see. Anyone reading this can comment on whether I made a huge mistake turning that position down, but keep in mind I already made my decision and it ultimately must be supported :):):)


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