Sunday, February 20, 2005

Shopping Envy

I went shopping at Pier One today, and let me tell you ... not a good idea. I guess it's been a while since I've gone shopping just for the heck of it, because I wanted everything in sight. I've been pretty content with regards to our material possessions (I don't consider myself a very picky or greedy person in that respect), but suddenly I was jealous of all the cute stuff I didn't have! That store should have a tag line -- "Pier One Imports: Super cute, overpriced stuff that you'll never have. Enjoy your shopping experience (Ha!)" Ok, I'm actually over it now, but I don't think window shopping is a good idea for me :)

Anyway, my girl's small group starts tomorrow. I'm excited, even though it's only me and 2 high school students so far. They're great girls though, they make me laugh. One is a freshman and one's a sophomore. Hopefully we'll add to our group soon, but it should be fun as long as they both show up - I wouldn't know what to do for an hour and a half if it was just me and one other girl.

I have tomorrow off for President's Day (or some president's birthday, not sure ...) ... I'm not complaining, and in fact I'm super grateful, but I'm just wondering ... Why do we have off for this "holiday"? It's not like anyone actually celebrates the reason the day is a holiday. I don't make a cake and wish George Washington a happy birthday, I just sleep in and catch up on errands. I just find it odd ...... oh well, like I said ... it works for me!


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