Saturday, April 02, 2005


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been leading a very hum-drum life these past 2 weeks. I've been sick ever since I got home from Wisconsin. It began as the flu then turned into a cold. It's gotten tons better, but I still have this cough that won't go away -- I probably caught something from someone in one of the six airplanes I was on that weekend. One of the planes held around 300 people, as the rows were 2 seats on each side and 5 in the middle. Now I'm no rocket scientist, but breathing recirculated air of 300 strangers for 4 hours might breed disease.

Youth events were cancelled these past 2 weeks because of spring break, so I literally have not done much. Lots of naps and TV watching. The weather has been awesome though, so I've taken some walks and just enjoyed the warm air. Today we're planning on going to "MontaƱa de Oro State Park" which is apparently a beautiful hiking area near the ocean about a half hour north of here. We might take the motorcycle or else drive it and pack a picnic of sorts (you know, ham sandwiches and a bag of chips :)) ... If it's worth writing about, I'll post a description after we go.


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