Saturday, August 20, 2005


Jason's sister, her husband, and their two little boys are visiting us this week. Jason went to pick them up at LAX and they're on their way to Santa Maria right now. I've never seen our two month-old nephew Caleb before (except a few pictures) and I haven't seen 3 year-old Ethan since Christmas, so it should be fun. His first plane ride :) The only bad part is that Jason has to work 3 of the nights they're here, leaving me to cook and entertain. Oh well, I'm sure they'll be easy-going about everything.

On a different note, I only have bits and pieces of 4 weeks left of work. This coming week I took 2 days off for our guests. The next week I have Friday off (my "9/80" day), the following week I have Monday off for Labor Day, and the following week I only work Monday thru Wed. Then I'm DONE!!! And none too soon. I've been finding out crazy stuff about different employees (office gossip, but sadly believable), and I just want out. I've never worked at a place like this before. One of the coworkers I've become closest to said to me in response to my amazement at our office dynamic, "Welcome to California." I don't think it's true of California as a whole, but our particular department isn't the most caring, unselfish or moral group you'll ever meet.


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