Food and Pregnancy
This whole pregnancy thing has really thrown my tastebuds out of whack. I used to LOVE desserts and crave sweets. I didn't understand when someone said, "This is too rich for me" because in my mind there was no such thing! But now ... I have no desire for dessert! I had ice cream the other day and couldn't finish my bowl. I had a Krispy Kreme at work last week and was grossed out by how sweet it was. Those who know me know that is SO not me.
Being pregnant means I'm hungry all the time and I even have the perfect excuse to pig out ... but nothing ever sounds good! I'll take a pickles-and-chocolate craving any day over never feeling like eating anything. The main things I eat lately are baked potatoes with sour cream, rice, cereal, and apples. Talk about boring (and not Adkins friendly :)) I was really looking forward to being pregnant - in addition to the joy it would bring, I figured I could eat whatever the heck I wanted, right? Who knew. Hopefully it will pass, because I really do need to eat more variety for the health of the baby. I think I just need to be a smarter grocery shopper - Jason and I don't eat dinner together a lot because of our schedules, so I'm used to "quick meals" which just aren't doing the trick anymore.
Anyway, enough about that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here's hoping I can eat turkey and stuffing and all the fixins' without incident :)