Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Crazy week, beautiful days!

I reallllly love being outside when it's nice out. I went for several walks over the weekend, a motorcycle ride with Jason, and helped my mom move into her condo. She did her first set of moving on Monday, which was a day I took off work - and OH what a beautiful day it was! Having that day off was a blessing for sooo many reasons ...

... But then I had to go back into work on Tuesday, and BAM! I was hit with a truckload of work to do. Which is all fine and dandy because it makes my days fly by, but occasionally I prefer to come across to others in my office as though I have everything together. These past two days did not make my case for me. My head was in a million places. I got phone call after visitor after meeting after interruption after "rush" request after stacks and stacks of proofing ... not to mention it's month-end, plus I just have a lot on my mind in general .......... But alas, I've gotten no complaints, so I must be doing something right! If only the 70-degree days would come back. It just made everything seem OK :) :) :)

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I realize that I can be a fairly negative person at times, and I'm usually (sadly) OK with that. But lately, I just feel icky from my negativity and that of those around me. It's like I can actually feel negative energy attacking me somehow, and I don't like it. I need some positive influences! And I'm certainly not getting that at work! I guess I could strive to BE one of those positive influences at work, huh? :) :( :) :(

Saturday, March 10, 2007

an anti-winter plea

Welcome back, Spring! Oh how I've missed you. Please, please stay ...

Thursday, March 08, 2007


I'm so frustrated about something at work right now. Words cannot convey how frustrated, annoyed, stressed, etc. I am about it. Actually, my mom would beg to differ that I can't put it into words, as she just listened to me vent/ramble about it for a good half an hour. What a gal :) I don't know how I don't have high blood pressure with the way I obsess over things like this. My dad (and siblings, for that matter) was/are really quite laid back and calm about things. Not sure where I got my high-strungness from. Guess I need to learn to just chill! I know I have such an amazing life, so no real reason to get my undies in a bundle.

Speaking of amazing ... my mom sold her house and will be moving to a condo in Greendale next month. How exciting! I'm happy for her. Good-bye Oak Creek house ... I hope your new family is good to you ...