Baby Stuff!
We began a baby registry today. Holy cow is it ever overwhelming to walk down those aisles and have no idea what all you need, what kind of bottles, what size diapers, how many bibs, what brand of car seat, how expensive of a baby thermometer, and oh my goodness do I really have to use scissors on his fingernails? I thought we were really going to town, but then we had to leave so we printed out our registry to review and it was only 3 pages. Huh.
Then we got home and thought of a million other things we would still need. Guess this is going to be a multiple-visit affair. Which is good, because things go on clearance and are out of stock so quickly that by the time people actually start shopping for our little guy, half the stuff might not even be available anymore. Besides, we were planning to save some stuff to register at another store anyway ... I just didn't realize there'd be SO much stuff ... it seems the littler the baby, the bigger and more expensive the stuff!
And yet ... I can't wait :)