The other day the thought occurred to me that much of my life is spent watching. Or looking, viewing, whatever you want to call it. Everyday, I look at my friends' blogs and stare at the computer screen as I read through their posts and comments. Every night, I turn on the TV for lack of anything "better" to do (although undoubtedly there are a thousand "better" things to do than remain sedentary for hours while numbing my mind to the point that I actually care if Skofield breaks his brother out of prison or I ponder which "Biggest Loser" deserves the $250K the most). At work, much of my job consists of proofreading and data entry, both of which require hours of staring. I hope years down the road, they don't find out about negative long-term effects of too much computer-gazing.
Sometimes I wonder how different my life would be if I were blind. I had a glimpse of that fear a few years ago when I temporarily blacked out in my shower while I was sick. I was bending down for my shampoo bottle when suddenly everything went black. My eyes were open but I saw nothing. I prayed so quickly and instantly thought of Ginny Owens (she's the blind Christian artist, right?) It was tremendously scary, even though the blackness probably lasted no longer than 10 seconds. But it was long enough that I couldn't explain it away with "too much blood must have rushed to my head for a second" ... the doctor didn't find anything wrong with me neurologically and it hasn't happened since, thank goodness!
Anyway, it just amazes me how much I depend on my sight. For reading, watching TV, writing/emailing, driving, everything I do at work. Thank you, God, for all my senses!!!