Crazy week, beautiful days!
I reallllly love being outside when it's nice out. I went for several walks over the weekend, a motorcycle ride with Jason, and helped my mom move into her condo. She did her first set of moving on Monday, which was a day I took off work - and OH what a beautiful day it was! Having that day off was a blessing for sooo many reasons ...
... But then I had to go back into work on Tuesday, and BAM! I was hit with a truckload of work to do. Which is all fine and dandy because it makes my days fly by, but occasionally I prefer to come across to others in my office as though I have everything together. These past two days did not make my case for me. My head was in a million places. I got phone call after visitor after meeting after interruption after "rush" request after stacks and stacks of proofing ... not to mention it's month-end, plus I just have a lot on my mind in general .......... But alas, I've gotten no complaints, so I must be doing something right! If only the 70-degree days would come back. It just made everything seem OK :) :) :)