We finally got a Christmas tree yesterday (yes a Christmas tree, not a HOLIDAY tree -- that's a subject for another day) and decorated the house with all our Christmas decorations, candles, etc. That atmosphere really does help me get into the "Christmas spirit." This Christmas will be different for us in a couple ways. First of all, Jason and I went to IKEA on Friday and bought each other all our Christmas gifts there. It was great! We got a bunch of stuff for the house for a very nice price, but that means no presents under our tree on Christmas Day. Also, my brother will be home for Christmas for the first time in years. He lives in Taiwan and usually gets home during the Chinese New Year at the end of January, but somehow he managed to pull off a Christmas break this year which is cool. Plus, it's our first Christmas in our new house, so that's fun. We didn't get lights on the outside of our house this year because of our schedules and the weather (should've cashed in on the warm Thanksgiving weekend!), but the inside is beautiful and hopefully next year we'll be more outwardly festive :)
Merry Christmas, friends!
I love this picture of my niece: