Friday, March 31, 2006


I like a good courtroom drama or police investigation show as much as the next person (believe me, I'm hooked on several), but has anyone else noticed that nearly every TV show these days, sometimes every single episode of a series, contains a storyline that revolves around a cheating spouse? Not only is it demoralizing to see every couple on television struggling with infidelity, it's also becoming a really worn-out plot. As soon as a victim's spouse is introduced on one of these shows, I now immediately start suspecting them of killing their husband or wife in order to cover up some affair they've been having. It's becoming quite predictable and rather annoying. TV writers - even though adultery is probably becoming more common in real life these days, I think portraying a monogomous relationship would be somewhat refreshing.

Ok, I am done now :)

Monday, March 27, 2006


I just found out that Dan, my old softball coach, died. I'm pretty sure he was under 50, and he was still very active in the "softball community." It made me really sad to hear, especially since we used to be so close and yet I haven't seen him in probably 7 years (except at a restaurant a couple years ago, oddly enough).

What makes it all the sadder that we lost touch is that he used to come to our house and give me and my sister free pitching lessons, since we were his star pitchers and part of his start-up team called the Queen of Diamonds (which my mom actually named, if I remember correctly). Dan would sit in our back yard watching us pitch and helping us perfect our curve balls and change-ups as my dad took a break from his shop and caught for us, with our backyard shed as the backdrop for wild pitches. Dan often mentioned that when he died, he hoped to be buried - or have his ashes buried - in our backyard, because that is where he was the happiest. It was his little escape from the rest of the world as we enjoyed the summer weather and spent a couple days a week just enjoying throwing the softball around.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


What is it about a baby waving good-bye that is so darn cute? And what is it about making a baby smile that makes you feel so good inside?

TV and Me

The way I view my favorite TV shows (Prison Break, 24) can be loosely compared to how I used to feel about a brand new relationship or crush. I look forward to seeing them every week, and it often is the highlight of my day to see them - sometimes I'm downright giddy! Throughout the week, I often think about what the next episode might be like and relive in my head the highlights of the previous week's events. I talk to other people about my shows like they're an important part of my life. I'm on the edge of my seat as I watch, soaking in the details of each scene. And if there is a long lull between episodes, I am sad at first but eventually move on to another show to satisfy my longings and desires.

Ok, ok ... I stretched the analogy a bit ... but TV is addicting, plain and simple!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tutoring woes

My regular third grade girl wasn't at the tutoring session tonight, so they paired me up with a kindergarten boy. It wasn't good, folks. Not good at all. All I could think was, God bless kindergarten teachers.

We started out fine. Then suddenly he decided he didn't want to talk to me. For about 15 minutes, I asked him questions about sports, offered to play games, gave him options of worksheets, books, and puzzles ... he literally wouldn't say a word to me. Then he spoke realllllllll quietly, and after asking him to repeat himself about 7 times, I finally made out, "I want my other tutor" and "this is boring." When I said that his other tutor wasn't there, the tears started. Tutors and students in the room looked my way. What was I to do? I asked what his other tutor did that I could do to make it more fun, but he wouldn't answer. Finally, he decided we should play Uno Attack, and for the last 10 minutes we took turns pushing the button until cards flew out at us, at which time he said, "If I'm real good can I get a prize?" uh ........ riiiiiiiight, if you play a game really well for 5 minutes after an hour of anguish, I'll reward you. BUT, fearing another onset of tears, I compromised and promised him a sticker if he finished the night well.

After I dropped him off in the gym and he ran away (with a "Far Out" sticker proudly plastered on his T-shirt), I caught his eye across the room and waved good bye so he knew I was leaving. Then he ran over to me with a big smile and gave me a hug. "See you later!" he said happily.

Um ... did I miss something here?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Is it possible to watch an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition without crying?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


You know those people who are always smiling whenever you see them, and they radiate joy and peace just by their happy demeanor? Or you know those people who laugh so easily at even the dumbest joke or comment you say without it sounding fake or forced? I wish I was like that. For some reason I'm unable to effectively "fake" laugh. You may ask why on earth you would ever want to "fake" laugh anyway ... well, there are plenty of times when someone says something funny, just not funny enough that I laugh out loud ... and then there's an awkward silence after their joke and I feel bad. But it just sounds so fake when I have to force out a laugh. Sometimes I think even my real laugh sounds fake. But it's so fun hanging out with people who laugh easily and honestly and heartily -- and not at other people's expense, but at good old-fashioned, innocent humor. Somehow, their joy is contagious and it leaves you feeling refreshed and just ... satisfied. Here's to all those people out there who have this amazing gift. Cheers!