Hopefully Not Too Dark
*Note: I chose the title for this post because after rereading it, I realized the two major themes were unemployment and death. But I added a little happy treat at the end, so hopefully I won't anger all 4 of my faithful readers :)
Have you seen one of those movies or random TV episodes of a guy in jail who keeps track of the time he serves by tallying the days on the stone wall with a piece of chalk? He's got like 30 lines marked on the wall representing days or months - the viewer isn't sure - and when he finally gets out, he asks how long he's been there and they're like "a few hours." Well, that's how I feel about being unemployed! I know it's only been about a month, and I still have a few possibilities out there, but it seems like it's taking FOREVER! I guess this is just one more way God is allowing me to learn patience :)
On the up side, my mom is due into town soon. Her visit should be lots of fun! But I'm sad my dad wasn't able to join her in visiting us in CA for the first time. It’s been over a month since he died and you would think it would get easier to deal with over time, but somehow it hasn’t. I miss him more everyday. I don’t quite know why that is, but then again I did remarkably well at the funeral and in the days that followed – better than I thought I would. Maybe my grief is just a bit delayed. It’s really weird thinking about realities like never seeing someone again … here on earth anyway. And about where my dad really is right now. Did heaven begin for him already, or does he have to wait until "judgment day"? I should read up on it, I’m sure the answer is in the Bible. But society’s notion is that he’s “in heaven looking down on us” … I’m not sure if that’s true or not. It's comforting I guess, although I’m not sure that I want him seeing EVERYthing I do. All I do know is that I’m surprisingly and randomly emotional lately (probably I have too much time on my hands and my mind wanders!) … but I don’t know if that’s normal or not. I just really miss my dad and feel bad for my mom. It seemed like he had way too much life left to live. But I am thankful that no matter what's happening in the meantime, his ultimate destination is heaven. I can't imagine how hard it would be to deal with if I didn't have that fundamental faith base.
Anyway, sorry to go off on my dad's death like that again! To end on a light note, here are two random tidbits of information that I thought the average reader would enjoy.
#1) My sister has the uncanny ability to subconsciously turn her food into the shape of Wisconsin by eating around the edges in a certain way. It's unreal - we'll be eating cookies and suddenly she'll stop, look at her cookie and say, "Hey look. Wisconsin!"
#2) I was watching OLD reruns of Family Feud on the Gameshow Network and one of the questions was "Name a celebrity with sex appeal" ... would you believe that Betty White made the survey? Those Golden Girls must have been something in their day!